Far View Ranch

Since 1936

Program Details

Program Details

While our programs operate across Northern California, Far View Ranch is the base of operations for The Far-View. Our long-term goal is to provide a suite of opportunities for young people in the region to gain first-hand career experience during high school. Our belief is that students need more exposure to the working world in order to make informed decisions about their education and career ambitions.

We want young people to work alongside professionals in a variety of industries so they learn their strengths, weaknesses, and interests as well as the realities of various career choices.

In 2017 we started a two-part program with two area high schools.

  1. Working lands restoration.

Partnering with government conservation organizations (Partners for Fish and Wildlife, the Natural Resources Conservation Service, etc.), students travel to local farms and ranches to implement habitat restoration projects alongside industry professionals

  1. Campus Sustainability and Resilience

Along with their work at their project site, students will lead a restoration landscaping project at their home campus. Students will design, solicit material donations, and implement a landscaping project using native plants in an under-used portion of their school grounds. It is critical that students see the application of conservation to their normal lives and that we build school campuses that are water-wise, resilient, and usable by students.

Working lands restoration

Campus Sustainability